All professional growth activities of GCSC will support the growth of student achievement:
1. Professional Learning of our certified staff will seek to create and grow active student engagement in all class rooms.
2. Professional Learning of our certified staff will seek to increase the rigor of all content areas in each class room to motivate students to learn to their potential.
3. Professional Learning of our certified staff will seek to create and foster a student's accountability for their academic growth measures.
4. Professional Learning of our certified staff will infuse technology into each class to increase engagement, rigor, and responsibility for students and their learning.
Application for Professional Learning
Application for professional learning activities requires the approval of the building principal and the assistant superintendent. The process for application begins with completing the PG1 Professional Growth Application (above). Applicants should complete and submit the PG1 form on line. Paper copies are no longer needed. The form will be electronically submitted to your building principal, supervisor and the assistant superintendent at the same time. Should either the assistant superintendent or your supervisor deny the application, the supervisor will make contact with you to inform you of the reason of the denial.
All applications must be received in central office three weeks prior to the registration date of the proposed professional learning activity for out of district workshops. All in-district workshops need to be applied for two weeks before the event or as soon as possible if created for a building based workshop.
Applicants will then receive communication via email from their supervisor of the status of their applications is denied. Otherwise the staff member may proceed as if the application is approved. Any school employee attending professional learning outside of the district should drive the corporation vehicle. Mileage for the use of a personal vehicle will only be made if the district vehicle was unavailable for use. Staff members who chose to drive from their own homes will not receive reimbursement. Only one vehicle for each five persons attending may be reimbursed for mileage using US approved mileage rates.